another 24 hours and i'll be sitting on a plane for the first time in the 18++ years of my life on planet earth. (HURRR)
gives me teeeeeny weeeny jitters somehow
what if i puke or feels like shit? oh wells.
went last min shopping with lookalike n clone.
i reached 2 conclusions:
- i should STOP shopping!! (when i come baq frm shanghai tt is. shanghai= shopping!!)
- lookalike has a knack for spotting my frens. (she spotted bel like from 2m away in OG -.-)
the pants i bought for 60bux is not 29!
alrights ppl,
shall be baq on fri nite! i noe i shall not be missed. (:
muhaha. if i survive. HUR.
but i still dread what awaits me when we come back:
- projs deadlines (DUH)
- ivp (not in THE mood)
theres no longer the third point. because you lost me.
you gave it your best shot,
so stop wondering what else you could have done.
The truth is, you will not know how it went until you see the results,
and that may not be for a while.
sit back.
call a friend and unload.
how true.
am done.
you lost me.
the past week been hectic; emotionally and physically.
mon: amaths, MR emergency for radical changes
tue: amaths, MR rescuse plan, skipped squash
wed: amaths, MR rescue plan, lappie crash )':
thu: amaths, MR rescue plan, skipped squash
in short: library, sch, can 2,library, sch, can 2,library, sch, can 2,library, sch, can 2.
WED: stepped into Amber room after my amaths.
there was a min of silence.
lapton crashed.
nvm, C drive theres nothing precious;
notes and songs and pics all in D:/
then it hit me. )':
theres no way getting them baq.
because we are no longer what we used to be.
its gone.
theres nothing left for me.
anw, no stayover last nite.
since WII isnt there.
and we were all so shagged!
read my past posts since jan. super little. mar only had 2. cool. and so i have little urge to blog.

the gantt chart i drew for us. LOL. as u can see.. projs projs and more projs. well, its good in a sense, take my mind off things. but i shall be looking forward to 25th june of cos! muahah. looked forward so much that i went and check out the flight timings:

cool man. its all planned out already. and i hope we take the latest flight baq on 29th june. alrights, 10 hours of flight to and fro should be enough to satisfy my curiousity ba. LOL. and i hope its SIA, but i dun tink so. jj's silkair. but the timings for either flight operator would be the same.
stayover at lookalike's place shall be looked forward by me too! (weird eng, but ~) THU THU THU!! but b4 tt, i needa clear 4 lessons of a maths, buy bel's pressie (if not i would hafta get frm shanghai already), fathers day pressie (maybe? im BROKE!) & wisp proj (roar)!
why why whyy is ep 11 not complete on youtubeee... roarrrr
MR CT was -.- not worth studying for loh. lucky tis morning didn’t really wake up early and study. Took paper at 45 -.- alternate seats. Infront of me n fion was marvin. LOL. I shouldn’t have changed to exploratory!! Roar fion say he wrote causal. SAI. Anw went to lvl 3 classroom for MR questionnaire. Was listening and playing psp. Heh. After tt left sch with yeeth and fion to go take pics. Sianed. The pics. Roar. wadever. The more I tink the more zzz look on screen more to console urself ba. HAHA. oh well. fion was saying we can go her hse ton mahjong & play WII WOOO. Muahaha. Tts how the chat with mw n fion ended up. Talking abt nature and sky. Tinking abt it and all. Watching the champion and having the URGE to swim.
. I shall try and reach back for land when 14th july comes.